What is Journaling and How Do I Do It?

When you were young, did you ever record your thoughts and feelings on a notebook you kept hidden underneath your mattress or tucked in the deepest part of your sock drawer? That notebook was perhaps your most treasured possession. There, you could be yourself and clear the thoughts in your head by transferring them on paper. Even if you didn’t know it then, you were already journaling.

What is Journaling?

Journaling is a written record of things. Some people prefer to record what goes on in their day—what they ate, what they did, where they went, and so on. Others prefer to write down more abstract matters, such as thoughts, feelings, and ideas. Some people use journaling to track what they are reading or their everyday habits, while others use it to figure out what makes them happy or upset.

There is no right or wrong way to go about journaling. There are no rules, no standards. What matters is writing what you want to record and creating a meaningful connection with yourself. When you read through old journal entries, you’ll be able to see your life’s journey. You can see how much you’ve grown since the moment you wrote an entry a year or so ago.

When Should I Journal?

Some people prefer to journal first thing in the morning–to write a list of things they would like to accomplish or the dreams and goals they hope to achieve someday. It serves as the starting point for them to be motivated.

Others prefer to write their journal before going to bed. It serves as a record keeper of everything that went on in their day. For people who journal at night, writing down their thoughts and experiences is a way to unload everything they went through—both the good and the bad—to start a new day with a clean slate.

When you journal depends on you. If you are journaling for the first time, you can try it in the morning or evening or whenever you feel most comfortable doing it. Some people switch up their time of writing in their journals, depending on when they feel like it. The important thing is to be consistent about writing even a little bit every day, just to develop the habit of writing things down.

Benefits of Journaling

Journaling helps manage your emotions.

From the moment you wake up to the moment you fall asleep, you go through a lot in a day. Journaling your hopes, dreams, expectations, fears, thoughts, and anything else you might be feeling is a way to release all those so you don’t store them up. It is a way to release your stress and pent-up emotions so you don’t keep carrying them around.

Journaling helps you keep a record of things that happened to you.

As you go through life, you experience many things—some of which you will eventually forget because of how busy you are or because of the many things going on. Journaling helps you record these things so you can remember them—and then revisit those moments in the future. As you journal through the years, you’ll find it a pleasant surprise to reread old entries and relive old memories. Reading through past journals shows you the lessons you’ve faced and how much you’ve grown.

Journaling helps you prioritize things.

While many people use journals to record their daily happenings and feelings, others use journals to help set their focus and priorities for the day, week, month, year, and maybe even for the rest of their lives. When you write something down, you can clearly see what you want to achieve so you can take the necessary steps to do it.

Writing down your daily goals is helpful so you don’t miss them or forget something important. Writing down your big dreams every single day helps you strive toward achieving them.

Tips for Starting a Journal

Be honest.

It can be scary to write down the truth when journaling—even if you’re the only one who will see what you wrote. If you want a journal that will help you grow, you need to be honest with yourself when you are writing. Write the truth about what you are going through and what you are feeling. Be honest about your emotions, your thoughts—every single thing, whether good or bad. It is only by being honest that you will be able to learn from yourself and become a better person with the help of your journal.

Be consistent.

While there is no right or wrong way to journal, it’s good to write consistently to get into the habit of writing daily. Determine what you want your journal to be for—is it supposed to help you plan your day and your life? Is it a record of everything that went on in your day? Is it a mix of everything? After you have figured out what you want to journal, set aside some time every single day to write in it.

Be kind to yourself.

It can be tempting to feel pressure when writing a journal. Many people give up journaling because they feel like they are unable to produce quality content. Remember this: your journal is not supposed to be written like the number one book on The New York Times Bestseller list. Your journal is supposed to reflect your true self—a safe space where you can express and be yourself. 

Skip the editing.

One mistake people make when writing journals—especially digital ones—is being too conscious of grammar and spelling mistakes while they are writing. When you edit while you write, it breaks your mood and concentration from writing. While you may eventually think of publishing your journal entries, it’s best to write them in a stream-of-consciousness way—what they call freewriting. It’s simply writing and writing without pausing to wonder if your verb is in the right tense or if you should have placed a comma in the previous sentence.

Get in the mood.

It’s hard to scribble a hasty paragraph when you’re not feeling like it. Find a quiet place to write your journal—somewhere where you won’t get distracted by what’s going on around you. Some people like to listen to music while they write as it helps them get in the mood.

Write wherever you feel comfortable.

Some people will say that the best way to write your journal is by using a good, old-fashioned pen and paper. However, that isn’t always the case. If you've tried writing with pen and paper before but couldn't seem to express yourself the way you wanted to, you might find it easier to keep a digital journal on your laptop or phone. It doesn’t matter where you journal, as long as you are able to do it.

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