30 Insightful Journal Prompts for Self-Reflective Journaling

We’ve talked about how essential self-reflection is—and how journaling is one of the best ways to self-reflect. Keeping a reflective journal helps you gain a new perspective on the things you go through. It also guides you to process what happened and practice life lessons you learn along the way.

But what if you sit in front of your journal, take a deep breath…and then face a blank page, not knowing what to say?

That’s where prompts come in.

Prompts come in the form of guided questions or phrases that force you to think a little bit more and a bit deeper about a person, event, situation, or anything under the sun. If you want to do some self-reflecting but feel a little stuck, you can use these prompts to get started with writing.

30 Insightful Prompts for Self-Reflective Journaling

1. What is something (or who is someone) extremely important to you?

2. What are three things you’re grateful for today—and why?

3. What’s one piece of advice you want to give to your younger self?

4. Are you holding on to something you need to let go of? What is it? If you won’t let it go now, when?

5. What matters the most to you right now?

6. What worries you about the future?

7. Who are the people you trust with your life, and why?

8. What is one thing you’d like others to remember about you at the end of your life?

9. What is your favorite way to spend the day?

10. What are two moments you’ll never forget in your life? (Describe them in detail.)

11. What are some words you’d like to live by?

12. What is something you want to change about yourself?

13. What is something you can’t imagine living without? What would you do if it were gone?

14. What are some questions you have about anything under the sun? (Make a list.)

15. When was the last time you tried something new? How was your experience?

16. Who do you sometimes compare yourself to? Why?

17. If the average human lifespan was 40 years, how would you live your life differently?

18. What is your most beloved childhood memory?

19. What personal prisons have you built out of fears?

20. How do you define success?

21. What motivates you to work each day?

22. What are some chances you wish you had taken?

23. What are your greatest strengths and greatest weaknesses?

24. Who is your mentor, and what have you learned from them?

25. What are you uncertain about and why?

26. What is something most people don’t know about you?

27. What’s the best advice you have received? How are you applying it in your life?

28. What makes life easier? Why?

29. What gives you peace?

30. What are your goals and dreams?

Self-Reflective Journaling Prompts on Wondr Journal

If you ever catch yourself staring at a blank page on Wondr Journal, wondering what to write, the lightbulb button next to the formatting options above the entry triggers a new prompt question every time you click on it. Whenever you want to write but don’t know what to say, use this feature to give you a prompt or two, and the words will soon start flowing. The questions are designed to help you reflect more on what is happening around you and what is important to you.

Journaling to Understand Yourself

Keeping a self-reflection journal is key to understanding yourself better. When you take the time to reflect on your day or the different aspects of your life, you’ll be able to process your emotions more and be better equipped to handle the challenges life throws at you.

When you look back at your entries years down the road, you will see how much you’ve grown and how far you’ve come.

Start building a journaling habit with Wondr today!

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